Friday, 10 October 2014

2D Hand Animation

This is a 2D hand drawn animation of a cartoon style hand turning over. We were given the first and last frames of the animation and we had to draw the inbetweens. I like how this animation turned out even though it is very short, I found it very challanging to start off and get the shapes and dimensions correct. a couple of the frames look a bit different to the first and last that I was given but overall i am happy with it.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Ball and Tail

This is a short animation I made using a rig given to me by my lecturer to use, it is of a ball with a tail moving across the screen, and then I made the tail swing to give it a bit of life as if the tail is hanging and has weight to it, I then added squash and stretch to it to make the movement look better and add some personality to the ball. I am going to add to this animation and hopefully make the tails movement smoother and more lifelike.

Jumping Man

This is a 2D animation of a little character jumping over a gap in the floor, I made this in Adobe Flash, I am very happy with this animation. I made it by drawing out the extreme poses and then filling in all the frames in between them to get a smooth and consistent movement. I think I could improve this animation by making smoother, and keeping the drawings more consistent, I could have made it look smoother by adding motion blur and smearing in some of the frames in the middle of the jump.

3D Bouncing Ball

This is an animation of a bouncing ball that I made, it is very similar to the 2D bouncing ball I made but this one was animated in the 3D animation software Autodesk Maya, it is only a playblast not a full render so you can see the rig and curves the ball follows. I am happy with the movement of the ball and the rotating but I haven't added any squash and stretch in this version. I will hopefully be improving on this animation and add the squash and stretch with some improved and smoothed movement.

Bouncing Ball

This is the first piece of hand drawn animation I have done. Its a bit jerky because I drew it at 12 fps rather than the standard 24/25, but I am other wise pleased with the results of this because I don't think I used too much squash and stretch, and I am very pleased with the timing and spacing. I think I could have made the drawings smoother and more detailed and the ball gets slightly smaller during the animation, but other than these points i like the overall animation.

TV Ident

This is a 3D animated TV ident I made in my second year of college with a team of two other people. I really like some of the animation in this like the robots walking down the street, but some of it I think was really jerky and needed a lot of improvement like when the character does a roll.