Sunday, 25 September 2016

Third Year Film Pitch

Last Friday was the day we had all been waiting for, last Friday was the day we pitched our third year film to all 200 students on our coarse, the lecturers and some guest panelists from within the industry. I felt very prepared for this one, as George Quelch (who I pitched with) had been working on the pitch and the film idea in general for about six months, although it has changed a lot in that time we now have a pretty solid idea to pitch.
There were around twenty pitches and only eight to ten can go into production so were all definitely competing for the spots. I'm feeling fairly hopeful of our chances of going into production, but you never know.
Below are some pictures of George and I pitching.

Astronaut Models

As part of the prep for pitching our third year film idea I made some concept Plasticine models of the two astronaut characters and one of the alien characters. I modeled the two astronaut characters as close to the concept drawings that I have had a solid idea for as I could, I am very happy with how they turned out as are pretty close to the concept pieces.

For the Alien designs I didn't really have any drawings to work form mainly because my drawing skills aren't up to scratch and I really struggled to get the ideas I had in my head onto paper, however once i decided to try it in Plasticine I got it spot on to my ideas on my first try. I am very happy with how this one turned out especially with the shape of his head.

I am definitely going to do more model making as I found that I really enjoyed making these three and am very happy with how they turned out.

Oxygen Three Acts

During the summer George Quelch and I spent quite a bit of time working out the story line for our third year film idea in much more detail. From there I drew three concept pieces, one for each of the three acts, I tried to get across the basic structure of what was going on in the film in these three pictures.
The first image (above) shows when the astronauts first land on the planet and crush an aliens house when the door opens. they continue to unload all their equipment which further irritates the aliens.
The second image (above) shows the escalating events in the second act, after the aliens realize the astronauts are going to dig up their little village to mine, they start to attack to try and get the control panel for the drill, and to get rid of the astronauts.
The third image (above) shows how the film will end (Spoilers!) the escalating events finally peak when the tug of war ends with them flinging the control panel into the rocket which causes it to tip over and start up, it ends up flying away and over the horizon leaving the astronauts stranded.