During the summer George Quelch and I spent quite a bit of time working out the story line for our third year film idea in much more detail. From there I drew three concept pieces, one for each of the three acts, I tried to get across the basic structure of what was going on in the film in these three pictures.
The first image (above) shows when the astronauts first land on the planet and crush an aliens house when the door opens. they continue to unload all their equipment which further irritates the aliens.
The second image (above) shows the escalating events in the second act, after the aliens realize the astronauts are going to dig up their little village to mine, they start to attack to try and get the control panel for the drill, and to get rid of the astronauts.
The third image (above) shows how the film will end (Spoilers!) the escalating events finally peak when the tug of war ends with them flinging the control panel into the rocket which causes it to tip over and start up, it ends up flying away and over the horizon leaving the astronauts stranded.