Monday, 10 October 2016

CG Practice

one of the aspects of animation that iv'e been wanting to have a lot more practice in and focus on a lot more on is CG character animation, especially now I'm directing a film with CG characters, so as a little refresher I set a couple of challenges for myself to get back into the swing of it and get my head round things like the graph editor in Maya as well as just catching myself up with Maya.

Here is a couple of giffs of the two little exercises I've done so far, I'm pretty happy with how the door knocking animation turned out as I feel she has looks as though she has got some weight behind her and her movements are fairly fluid. However I'm not as happy with the walk cycle because I was trying to go for a very sassy walk with a pause as she puts her foot down but im not sure it really works, I will be having another go at it soon.

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